Quinn Thomas Smurthwaite was born March 26, 2010 at 10:50 pm. He weighed 8 lbs. 8 oz. I went into labor at about 1:30 pm. I called Dean at 2:30 pm to tell him that I was in labor and he should come home. He asked me if he should call the midwives and I said yes only because the contractions were 2 minutes apart and lasted 45 seconds. But, I soon discovered that my labor would slow down. In the beginning, especially after the midwives got to our house, I felt really jittery, anxious, and tired all at the same time. I wanted to lay down and take a nap except when I sat down or rested, my labor would slow. It was already 4 pm and I wanted to get some sleep that night, so I would stand up, walk, and do whatever it took to keep the labor going. We have a labor tub called an aquadoula that we fill up with water and have in our room. I have had a waterbirth with all of my babies except my twins who were born in a hospital. Even with the twins I labored in a tub. So I have a special attachment to water while I am in labor.
I got in the tub while I was 5 centimeters dilated. The water was so warm and relaxing. I soon realized that my labor was slowing down. My contractions were getting farther and farther apart. The labor tub was right by my window. I looked outside and saw that it was gently snowing outside. I was so glad. For some reason I wanted to labor have my baby during a snowstorm. I knew that I had a long way to go. I started to feel scared and tired in anticipation for what was coming. The midwives were outside the door and everyone was just waiting for me to have this baby. I started to wonder how I could convince everyone to take me to the hospital where I could get an epidural and sleep. I knew that labor is intense and takes a lot of focus and energy. I was feeling so tired. The past few months had really taken their toll on me with sickness in the house, the loss of income, and all of the adjustments that we had to make.
I had my hypnobirthing CD's on in the background. They spoke all kinds of affirmations about how I can choose to do this. It was at that time that I really did know that I could do it and I chose to. The CD's and the hypnobreathing techniques really were so great. The labor really wasn't that bad. It was managable. In looking back, I felt like I could do it again.
I remember at one point Dean fell asleep. It was really close to when Quinn was born. I was in the water in a squat and focusing. I wondered where Dean was and I looked back on the bed and he was sleeping. Maren, my midwife, said that it was really wise for him to get a few minutes of sleep. I know that it was wise, but I wanted Dean right there with me during every single surge. I soon called him over and told him I wanted him to join me in the water. My midwives were so supportive. I felt very safe. Quinn was born in the water soon after Dean got in the water. Dean delivered him and brought him out of the water up to my chest. What a beautiful baby boy! Oh, I just love this sweet little baby. I immediately said, "Get my mom!" She came in the door. She had been waiting outside. I was so glad that she had been there for this wonderful moment. She had taken care of the other children and put them to bed that night. I am so thankful for my wonderful mother!
Soon we were nestled in bed. Quinn was nursing and I was resting feeling complete bliss. What a wonderful night!
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